Choosing Your Platform: Squarespace or Wix, Which Reigns Supreme?

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In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore an in-depth comparison between two leading website builders - Wix and Squarespace. This guide will serve as more than just a written comparison; it is an actionable guide that will enable you to make informed decisions.

We aim to evaluate which platforms would best suit your business needs in 2023 and the years to follow.

We will scrutinize the two platforms based on the following key aspects:

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Best by features
  • Blogging Platform
  • In terms of Security
  • Pricing Structure
  • User-Friendly Mobile App

Our examination will commence with an overview of both platforms, setting the stage for a thorough comparison. We'll then delve into the specifics of each point listed above, carefully weighing the strengths and weaknesses of Wix and Squarespace.

Which Option Comes Out on Top in This Comparison?

Sr # Features Squarespace Wix
1 SEO 1 1
2 Easy to use Features? 0 1
3 Blogging Platform 1 0
4 Pricing Structure 1 1
5 Customer Support 1 0
6 Mobile app 0 1

Wix Vs Squarespace: Detailed Modification or Easy Navigation?

When creating your dream website, choosing between Wix and Squarespace can seem like a dilemma. Each platform has unique strengths, but how do they stack up against each other regarding detailed modification versus easy navigation? Let's dive deeper.

Wix: The Champion of Detailed Modification

Wix has made a name for itself in the realm of detailed modification. Its standout feature is its drag-and-drop interface that allows for high customization.

You can move and resize elements like text boxes, images, and buttons anywhere on the page, giving you complete creative control.

This freedom to customize extends to Wix's library of over 500 templates. Whether building a blog, an online store, or a portfolio, you can modify every detail to match your vision.

Moreover, coders can take advantage of Wix's Corvid platform to further customize their site, truly making it one of a kind.

However, this level of modification can be a double-edged sword. Many options available to beginners feel overwhelming and may lead to a cluttered, less professional-looking site if not used wisely.

Squarespace: The Master of Easy Navigation

Across the ring, we find Squarespace, which prioritizes easy navigation and a streamlined design process. Squarespace offers fewer templates than Wix, but each one is beautifully designed, responsive, and easy to navigate.

Squarespace's editor follows a structured grid layout. This makes the design process more straightforward but also means you have less flexibility in moving individual elements. This is ideal for those who value simplicity and ease of use over granular control.

It provides a clean, intuitive dashboard, and its style editor is easy to master. Plus, Squarespace's customer support resources are top-notch, providing step-by-step guides to help you navigate the platform.

Winner: After the latest update, Squarespace has really stepped up its game. Believe it or not, it's now on par with Wix when it comes to SEO capabilities. So, if you are worried about your site's search engine optimization with Squarespace, you can put those concerns to rest. They've truly leveled up and are ready to give Wix a run for its money.

Result: Wix - Squarespace 1:1

Whose Features Are Better, Wix or Squarespace

Wix and Squarespace have cemented themselves as dominant players in the realm of website builders. Each platform offers a unique set of tools and features to empower users to create stunning, high-performing websites.

However, the question remains - whose features are better, Wix or Squarespace? Let's dive in and compare these industry leaders.

Exclusive Wix Features: What Squarespace Lacks

Features Wix Squarespace
Drag and Drop Interface Yes Yes
Artificial Design Intelligence Yes No
App Market Yes No
Animation of Elements Yes No
Multiple Redo/Undo Yes No
Email Marketing Yes Yes
Ability to switch templates after publishing Yes No
  • Drag and Drop Interface: Both Wix and Squarespace offer an intuitive drag-and-drop interface. However, Wix allows for a more flexible design experience with its absolute positioning system.
  • Artificial Design Intelligence (ADI): Wix's unique feature is its ADI. This tool can automatically create a website for you based on your preferences. Conversely, Squarespace does not offer this feature.
  • App Market: You can enhance your site's functionality by adding Wix's App Market applications. Squarespace does not have a comparable marketplace.
  • Animation of Elements: Wix allows users to animate elements on their website to make their pages more engaging. This feature is not available on Squarespace.
  • Multiple Redo/Undo: Wix allows for multiple redos/undo actions which can be a lifesaver during the design process. Squarespace does not have this feature.
  • Email Marketing: Wix and Squarespace provide email marketing tools, allowing users to create, send, and track email campaigns.
  • Ability to switch templates after publishing: With Wix, you can switch your website's template even after publishing it. Squarespace does not provide this flexibility, where you must commit to a template once your site is live.
Live Chat With the Wix Live Chat app. Requires integration with a 3rd party provider such as Tawk.
Forum With the Wix Forum app. Requires integration with Muut.
Third-Party Fonts Add directly from the editor Need CSS code
Multilingual site With the Wix Multilingual app Required integration with WeGlot

What Features Make Squarespace Stand Out from Wix

Squarespace and Wix are often two of the top contenders when selecting a website-building platform. However, some key differences in features between the two can potentially sway your choice.

Creating a Wix website is straightforward. You'll choose a template, customize it, add content, and publish. For a detailed visual guide, visit this link.

Features Squarespace Wix
Custom CSS Yes No
Built-in Podcast Hosting Yes No
Apple News Integration Yes No
Native Restaurant Menu Yes No
Automatic Image Scaling Yes No
  • Custom CSS: Squarespace allows you to customize your site using CSS, which stands for Cascading Style Sheets. With this tool, you can customize your website's look and feel very detailedly. This flexibility can be invaluable if you have coding knowledge or are willing to learn. On the contrary, Wix does not currently support custom CSS, which can limit your customization options to the built-in tools and templates they offer. You can also learn how to change Wix template by our already written guide for your help. To learn step by step click on the link.
  • Built-in Podcast Hosting: Squarespace has built-in podcast hosting, a fantastic feature for those looking to start or migrate a podcast. This means that you can upload and manage your podcast episodes directly from your Squarespace site.

Unfortunately, Wix doesn't support built-in podcast hosting. You will need to embed a podcast onto your Wix site if you want to host one on your site.

  • Apple News Integration: With Squarespace, you can enjoy the benefit of Apple News integration. This allows you to syndicate your blog content to Apple News, potentially reaching millions of readers. Wix, however, does not provide this integration, which could be a deciding factor if a large part of your audience uses Apple devices.
  • Native Restaurant Menu: If you're in the food industry, Squarespace's native restaurant menu feature could be a game-changer. This feature allows you to display your menu in a clean, organized manner without needing external plugins or widgets. Unfortunately, this feature isn't natively available on Wix, which may require you to use a third-party solution.
  • Automatic Image Scaling: Squarespace also excels in image handling with its automatic image scaling feature. This ensures that your images look their best on every device by automatically adjusting the size and resolution.

Result: Wix, though it provides good control over image display, doesn't support automatic image scaling.

Which is Better: Blogging On Wix or Squarespace

Wix's blogging feature offers an intuitive editor, enabling the creation of sleek, professional blogs with ease. It includes customizable design templates, SEO tools, & social sharing features. However, it lacks certain advanced features like a native comment section, post scheduling, & lacks Markdown support. The inability to export blog content is a noticeable absence.

Squarespace's blogging platform offers an elegant editor with customizable templates and layout options. Its rich text editor supports embedding videos, images, and social media content. SEO tools and social sharing are integrated.

It lacks built-in content backup options and post-scheduling features. The blogging interface can be complex for beginners, and there's no native option to add tags to posts.

Result:   Wix-Squarespace 0:1

Winner: Upon careful examination of all pertinent aspects, it is evident that Squarespace distinctively prevails in this comparative analysis.

What Is the Pricing Structure of Wix and Squarespace?

Our VIP plan, with first-priority support, is available at $24.50 per month. It's our most prestigious offering, designed for those seeking a higher degree of attention.

Our most popular plan is the Unlimited plan, tailored for entrepreneurs and freelancers. This comes at an affordable price of $12.50 per month.

For personal use, our Combo plan, priced at $8.50 per month, is an optimal choice.

Our most basic offering is the Connect Domain plan, priced at $4.50 per month. Please note that this plan will display Wix branding on your site.

All plans include a custom domain and a free domain for one year. Wix branding can be removed for all, but the most basic plan, and all plans include a free SSL certificate.

In terms of bandwidth, the VIP and Unlimited plans provide unlimited bandwidth, while the Combo plan provides 2 GB, and the Connect Domain plan provides 1 GB.

Regarding storage space, the VIP plan provides 35 GB, the Unlimited plan provides 10 GB, the Combo plan provides 3 GB, and the Connect Domain plan provides 500 MB.

Finally, for video hours, the VIP plan offers up to 5 hours, the Unlimited plan provides 1 hour, the Combo plan provides 30 minutes, and the Connect Domain plan does not include this feature.

Looking to upgrade your business? Our Business VIP plan, at just $35 per month, offers you the highest level of service and features.

For businesses with substantial needs, we have the Business Unlimited plan. At $25 per month, it offers great value.

Just starting out? The Business Basic plan could be your perfect fit. It's just $17 per month and includes a solid range of features.

Each of these plans allows you to accept payments, offers plans and recurring payments, and provides customer accounts. You'll also get a custom domain with a free domain for one year, and you can remove the Wix branding.

When it comes to bandwidth, we've got you covered – all three plans offer unlimited bandwidth. For storage, the Business VIP plan provides 50 GB, the Business Unlimited plan gives you 35 GB, and the Business Basic plan offers 20 GB.

In terms of video hours, the Business VIP plan offers unlimited video hours, the Business Unlimited plan offers 10 hours, and the Business Basic plan offers 5 hours.

And to help you make informed decisions, the Business VIP plan comes with customized reports. For customer care, you'll get priority service with the Business VIP plan and 24/7 customer care with both the Business Unlimited and Basic plans.

Pricing Plans for Squarespace

Interested in a personal blog or website? Our Personal plan at $16/month offers access to fully customizable, best-in-class templates. It comes with mobile-optimized websites and templates for every need and even a free custom domain*. Plus, you can save 30% annually. Want to give it a spin? Start a free trial.

Now, if you're looking to grow your audience and start accepting payments, our Business plan at $23/month is your best bet. It includes everything from the Personal plan plus advanced website analytics and fully integrated eCommerce at a minimal 3% transaction fee.

You can also check out your domain. And guess what? You can save 30% annually here too. Ready to level up? Start a free trial.

As for those with growing businesses, our Basic Commerce plan is just right. Priced at $27/month, it offers selling tools with no transaction fees. You get everything from the Business plan, but with powerful merchandising included. And you'll save 25% annually. Why not start a free trial?

For advanced sellers, we offer our Advanced Commerce plan. At $49/month, it provides everything necessary for business growth - including advanced shipping, advanced discounting, and the ability to sell subscriptions.

All with no transaction fees. Plus, you can save 24% annually. Sounds interesting? Start your free trial.

Winner: In this comparison, it seems we've reached a stalemate. Wix gets a tip of the hat for its free plan, whereas Squarespace only extends a 14-day free trial. If you halt payments for your website, unfortunately, your Squarespace site will evaporate from the internet. On the other hand, Wix allows you to maintain your site with a free account, which is certainly a considerable plus point.

Result: 1:1

Whose Customer Support is better, Wix or Squarespace?

Need customer support from Wix? It's pretty straightforward. Head to the Wix website and look for the 'More' option in the header. Give that a click and a drop-down menu will appear. From there, just select 'Support,' and you'll be all set.

Looking for some assistance with Wix? Their Help Center is ready to help you out. Just type in your question or issue, and you'll receive the appropriate solution for your specific problem. It's an easy and user-friendly platform designed to make your interaction as smooth as possible.

Support at Squarespace

When you choose to build your website with Squarespace, you're not just getting a platform - you're getting a full package. This includes free, unlimited hosting and top-notch security to keep your site safe and sound.

Plus, we provide robust resources to help drive your success. And guess what? You can always rely on us for support. Whether it's via email, a live chat session, or even a live webinar, we're here for you 24/7. Now that's personalized service.

Click on the link over ‘Visit Help Center’ to get assistance.

When you're crafting your query, you'll find a selection option to pinpoint your specific navigation issue. The good thing is that once you choose something, it happens immediately. The system will swiftly provide you with a solution. It's quick, it's easy, and it's designed to help you out instantly.

Result: SquareSpace - Wix 1:0

Which Mobile App is best: Wix or Squarespace?

Looking to get the Wix mobile app? It's super simple. Just head to the top of the page and click on 'Creation' in the header. You'll find an option labeled 'Mobile App' right there. Just give it a click, and you're on your way.

Did you know it's super easy to get the Wix Owner App? All you need to do is head over to the Wix website and scan the available QR code. In no time at all, you'll have the app downloaded and ready to help manage your site. Pretty convenient, right?. Do you want to know how the Wix website name changes? You can learn this by our step by step guide.

The Wix Owner App is a fantastic tool that places a wide range of powerful features right at your fingertips. Here's what you can do:

  • Manage Your Website: This feature allows you to make necessary changes to your website directly from your mobile device. It's like having a webmaster in your pocket!
  • Live Chat with Visitors: Engage with your site visitors in real time. Answer questions, provide support, or just say hello.
  • Track Business Analytics: Stay updated on your website's performance. Track visitor stats, page views, and more, all from your phone.
  • Grow Your Online Store: Manage your online store effortlessly. Update products, track inventory, and process orders on the go.
  • Write and Share Blog Posts: Feel inspired? Craft and share blog posts right from the app, keeping your audience engaged wherever you are.
  • Take Bookings and Payments: A great tool for service-based businesses. Accept appointments, reservations, or bookings and process payments seamlessly.
  • Manage Your Community: Stay connected with your community. Respond to comments, engage with followers, and manage your member list.
  • Manage Your Restaurant: Perfect for restaurateurs! Update menus, manage orders, and even accept reservations through the app.
  • Create a Mobile App Experience: Turn your website into a mobile-optimized experience. Ensure your site looks great and functions smoothly on all devices.

The Squarespace app is a handy tool where you can both create a new website and manage an existing one. Now, I'll be honest, the app's look and feel are quite minimalist compared to some others.

But here's the kicker - unlike Wix, it allows you to modify all your website pages directly within the app. However, a nifty feature we're missing is the ability to drag and drop pages to reorder them in the menu.

But hey, they do have a drag-and-drop feature in their Analytics section. You can effortlessly shuffle around the cards like traffic overview, activity log, visits by country, traffic sources, and popular content.

The Commerce section, on the other hand, is pretty straightforward. It'll show you your orders - whether they're pending, fulfilled, or canceled - and your inventory.

Result: Wix - Squarespace 1:0

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, both Wix and Squarespace are powerful website builders with their own unique strengths. Wix stands out for its customization capabilities, exclusive features, and the diverse functionality of its mobile app.

It appeals to those seeking a highly personalized website-building experience backed by a plethora of powerful tools and features, making it a potent ally for business owners and individuals alike.

On the other hand, Squarespace excels in providing a seamless user experience, coupled with superior customer support, unique offerings like custom CSS, built-in podcast hosting, Apple News integration, and a minimalist but functional mobile app.

Its elegant blog editor, commerce-specific plans, and swift customer assistance further enhance its appeal. However, the ultimate decision between Wix and Squarespace largely depends on the individual needs and preferences of users.

Both offer a robust suite of features that cater to a diverse range of website management needs. While Wix may have a slight edge in terms of comprehensive features and tools, Squarespace's user-friendliness, unique features, and superior customer support should not be underestimated.

In essence, both platforms offer a commendable website building and management experience, each with its unique edge and charm.

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