How to Add a Popup on Wix Visual Step by Step Guide

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Do you want to know how to add a Popup to Wix? Unlocking the full potential of your Wix website has never been easier. Have you ever wondered how to seamlessly integrate popups, ensuring they enhance rather than disrupt the user experience? You're in luck.

In this detailed guide, I'll walk you through a 10-step visual journey, accompanied by crystal-clear screenshots, that takes the guesswork out of the process.

But that's not all, once we've navigated the setup, I'll delve into the myriad advantages of incorporating popups into your online strategy.

From boosting user engagement to collecting invaluable data, pop ups might just be the secret weapon you've been missing.

By the end of our journey together, you won't just be familiar with adding popups to Wix – you'll master it! Ready to embark on this transformative adventure? Let the journey begin.

Steps to Add a Pop on Wix

A popup in Wix is a small window or notification that appears over a website's content. It's crucial for capturing user attention, promoting offers, gathering email sign-ups, or making announcements, thereby enhancing user engagement and increasing conversions on the site.

I'll now guide you through the visual steps to add a popup on Wix. Let's dive into these details together.

Step 1. Login to Wix Account

First of all, visit the site, then click on the login at the left side of the Wix site.

Start by logging into your account on To do this, you need to input your email and password. Once signed in, you'll gain access to your account dashboard, where you have the ability to design or modify your site.

If you haven't yet acquired a Wix premium plan, it's advisable to purchase one. Following the acquisition of your plan, navigate through your Wix account accordingly.

Step 2. Click on My Sites

You are currently viewing your Wix account dashboard on your screen. To proceed, locate the "My Sites" option at the top section of the dashboard, typically found in the header. Your previously designed sites will be displayed when you click this option.

Step 3. Click on Edit Site

In this stage, you must choose the site where you wish to add the Popup. Displayed on your screen are all of your existing websites. Using the Wix Editor, you can modify or adjust these sites to meet your specific needs.

Once you've made your selection, you'll notice an "Edit Site" option in the top-right corner of your screen. Proceed by clicking on this.

Step 4. Click on Add Elements Icon “+”

On your display, the chosen site for adding a popup appears in edit mode. On the screen's left, there's a dashboard with various customization options for your Wix website.

To add a popup to your Wix site, select the 'add element' option. This can be found at the top left corner of your screen, represented by a '+' icon.

Step 5. Click on Interactive

In Wix's editable mode, the "add element" option allows you to:

  • Insert text boxes, images, and videos.
  • Add buttons, menus, and interactive sliders.
  • Incorporate social media icons and feeds.
  • Embed forms, maps, and music players.
  • Introduce design features like shapes, lines, and grids.

This tool enhances website functionality and design.

To add a Popup to Wix, navigate to the "Interactive" option, which is roughly in the middle when you click the "Add Element" feature.

Step 6. Click on Promotion

Now, navigate to the "Promotion" option or select any other popup you wish to incorporate into your Wix site.

Options include a welcome lightbox, subscribe lightbox or promotion lightbox. I'll be choosing the promotion lightbox.

Popups on a Wix website serve several purposes:

  • Engage Visitors: They capture attention immediately upon site entry.
  • Collect Data: Useful for gathering email addresses for newsletters.
  • Promote Offers: Highlight sales, discounts, or special events.
  • Improve UX: Direct users to popular or new content.
  • Increase Conversions: Prompt action, like sign-ups or purchases.

Step 7. Select the Pop Up

Upon selecting the interactive option, various popup templates or designs will be available to match your needs.

You can choose from options like the contact popup or promotion popup. Clicking on "Promotion" will present a range of Popups for you to pick from. Take a look.

  • Contact light box is a popup window where users can give their contact info, typically including their name, email, and possibly a message or inquiry.
  • Promotion lightbox pops up to showcase specific deals, offers, or advertisements. It aims to capture the user's attention and prompt them to take advantage of a special deal or announcement.
  • Subscribe lightbox is designed to collect email addresses or other subscription details from website visitors. It often offers newsletters, updates, or other content, enticing users to stay connected.

Step 8. Click on Manage Lightbox

Using the "Manage Lightbox" option on platforms like Wix, you can do the following:

  • Display Settings: Control when and how often the lightbox appears to visitors, such as upon entrance, after a set time, or when trying to exit the site.
  • Layout and Design: Modify the design, size, and positioning of the lightbox.
  • Add or Edit Content: Input text, images, videos, forms, and other elements to the lightbox.
  • Set Triggers: Decide what actions or events will trigger the lightbox to appear, like a button click.
  • Close Settings: Configure how users can close the lightbox, such as by clicking outside the box or pressing the escape key.
  • Link Actions: Set up links or buttons within the lightbox to navigate users to other parts of the site or to initiate other actions.
  • Animation: Choose entrance and exit animations for the lightbox, enhancing user experience.

Step 9. Click on Setting

To enhance your Website's functionality, you can adjust settings tailored to your preferences. Selecting "manage lightbox" means you'll see an ellipsis (…) next to your chosen popup.

Clicking on the ellipsis will reveal the "Edit Settings" option. This feature allows you to rename your popup and make other necessary adjustments.

You can dictate how your lightbox closes. If you wish to incorporate a button to close the Popup, simply activate the close button within the Lightbox Settings.

Additionally, you can tweak the display settings. If you prefer to close the lightbox using an X icon located at the Popup's top right corner, you can make such modifications in the Lightbox Settings.

Step 10. Final Preview

After making all the adjustments, you can preview the popup you've integrated into your Wix website. Hit "Save" and proceed.

What Are the Advantages of Adding Popup to Wix

  • Capture Attention: Popups immediately grab the visitor's attention, ensuring important messages aren't missed.
  • Increase Conversions: Whether it's signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or another desired action, popups can provide that extra nudge to get users to convert.
  • Collect Data: Popups, especially those designed for email sign-ups, are invaluable tools for building mailing lists and collecting user information for future marketing efforts.
  • Promote Offers: Temporary deals, discounts, or new product launches can be highlighted effectively using popups.
  • Instant Feedback: Using popups for quick surveys or feedback collection can provide valuable insights directly from users.
  • Reduce Bounce Rates: By presenting engaging content or special offers via popups, you can potentially reduce the number of users who leave the site without interaction.
  • Enhance User Experience: Guided popups can help direct users to the most relevant sections of the website or inform them of valuable resources, improving overall navigation.
  • Increase Social Shares: Encouraging users to share content or follow social media profiles through popups can boost a website's social presence.
  • Inform Users: Whether it's announcing site maintenance, updates, or introducing new features, popups serve as an efficient communication channel.
  • Customizable: Popups can be tailored to fit the aesthetic and messaging of the website, ensuring consistency in branding.

Wrapping Up

In this guide, we explored the process of adding a popup to a Wix website, a key tool for boosting user engagement and conversions.

Starting with logging into Wix and navigating to your desired website, we walked through the intuitive steps of accessing and utilizing the 'Add Elements' and 'Interactive' options.

We highlighted the importance of popups such as contact, promotion, and subscribe lightboxes, each serving a specific purpose in enhancing the website's user experience.

The 'Manage Lightbox' feature provides flexibility in design, triggers, and display settings, ensuring the popup aligns with your site's goals.

After all adjustments, it's essential to preview and save your work. With these steps, you're well-equipped to implement engaging popups on your Wix site effectively.

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