BrandPush Review: Get Featured Through Press Release

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Imagine the elegance and prestige that "As Featured On," followed by a collection of reputable news websites such as Fox and NBC, would bring to your website. Today, we're diving into a crucial topic for any brand hoping to make a name for itself - the importance of press release distribution.

If you're wondering why we're discussing this, let's break it down. Distributing a press release can amplify your brand's voice when done right. It's like having a megaphone that reaches the right people at the right time, making your message echo far and wide. It's about gaining visibility, building credibility, and forming connections - vital in this competitive landscape.

That brings us to the star of today's show - BrandPush. If you're not familiar, BrandPush is a press release distribution service that's been making waves in the industry.

In this blog post, we'll be putting BrandPush under the microscope. We'll explore their services, see how they stack up against the competition, and provide an in-depth review. This isn't just about understanding what BrandPush does - it's about seeing if they can help your brand's voice resonate across the industry. So, sit tight and buckle up. It's going to be an interesting ride!

Overview of BrandPush

Alright, let's get down to business and talk about BrandPush. Originating from Estonia, BrandPush has quickly positioned itself as a force to be reckoned with in the world of press release distribution.

They're making a name for themselves by helping brands – both big and small – make a name for themselves. However, what sets BrandPush apart isn't just where they're from; it's about their innovative approach to broadcasting brands' messages and stories far and wide.

Now, what makes BrandPush stand out in the crowd? That would be their impressive suite of features and services. What caught our attention is their guarantee - yes, you heard that right, a guarantee - to publish your press releases on over 200 news sites.

And these aren't just any news sites. We're talking about affiliate sites of major news platforms like CBS, FOX, NBC, and USA Today. It's only sometimes that a company promises to give your brand such a high level of visibility!

But it's not just about the numbers but the strategy behind the distribution. BrandPush considers your brand's unique voice and goals, ensuring your message hits the right notes with the right audiences.

They're not just about spreading your news but about ensuring it resonates, sticks, and drives your brand forward. It's clear that BrandPush isn't playing a short game - they're here for the long haul, and their services reflect a commitment to lasting, impactful results.

So far, we're impressed but stick around as we dive deeper into what makes BrandPush tick.

  • Enhance the visibility and recognition of your brand
  • Foster the creation of superior backlinks and drive meaningful traffic
  • Boost your website's SEO standing, visitor count, and overall influence
  • Establish a trustful relationship and a credible image among your target audience
  • Expand your consumer base and tap into untapped markets
  • How Does BrandPush Work?

    Let's shift gears a bit and talk about what it's like to actually use BrandPush. From the moment we landed on their website, one thing was clear - they've really focused on creating a user-friendly experience. Their interface is clean and intuitive, making navigation a breeze.

    Even if you're new to the world of press release distribution, you won't feel overwhelmed. They've designed everything in a way that just makes sense.

    Step 1: Visit BrandPush, navigate to the pricing packages, and select the best package for your business.

    • The Starter plan costs $195 and requires writing your press release article.
    • The Plus plan costs $229 and comes with press release writing services of up to 350 words along with 2 rounds of revisions.
    • The Pro plan costs $259 and includes press release writing services of up to 500 words with unlimited revisions.

    Step 2: Place Your Order

    Fill in your information and confirm your package

    Select a news network for your business and click the next button. Popular News Sites is the standard for most businesses and Alternative News Sites is for niches such as Crypto, Supplements, Alcohol, etc.

    In this optional section, you can provide specific information about the business or service that you're promoting.

    In the next section, Public Contact Details, type in the contact information you want your readers to see and press next. Ensure you only post information you are okay with for the public to see.

    The final stage is the payment section. Select between Paypal, if you have an account, or Stripe, if you want to use your credit card, and complete the payment.

    Step 3: Monitor Order

    Your new account comes with a dedicated dashboard where you can see your open or completed orders, pending orders, promotions and frequently asked questions. On this dashboard, you'll be able to make revisions to your press release drafts and manage all of your orders.

    If you ever feel overwhelmed or stuck, don't worry; BrandPush doesn't just throw you in the deep end and hope for the best. Instead, they provide a comprehensive step-by-step guide on how to use their platform for press release distribution.

    They've got you covered, from drafting your press release to selecting your target audience and tracking your results.

    It's like having a seasoned PR pro holding your hand throughout the process. We found it incredibly helpful, and it's a testament to BrandPush's commitment to their users.

    BrandPush Trust Pilot Reviews

    Now, it's not just us who are singing BrandPush's praises. We've scoured the web for testimonials and feedback from other users, and the consensus is overwhelmingly positive. People love the simplicity and efficiency of the service.

    One user mentioned how they were able to get their press release published on numerous news sites within 48 hours. Another praised the excellent customer support, mentioning how BrandPush went the extra mile to ensure their press release had the impact it deserved.

    These testimonials reinforce that BrandPush isn't just about delivering a service - it's about delivering an experience that really pushes your brand forward.


    • Assured publication on more than 200 news sites
    • Favorable feedback from satisfied customers
    • Availability of case studies and testimonials on their website
    • Writing services included in Plus and Pro plans


    • No guarantee of achieving high rankings on Google News or other search engines
    • No guarantee of generating sales or conversions
    • Lack of a media contact database or targeted distribution circuit
    • Absence of same-day distribution or media monitoring tools

    Distribution Network and Reach

    Let's talk about one of the key reasons why BrandPush has caught our attention: its impressive distribution network and reach. Of course, we've already mentioned their guarantee to publish press releases on over 200 news sites, which is impressive enough on its own.

    But let's dive a bit deeper. These aren't just random sites we're talking about - they include affiliate sites of major news platforms like CBS, FOX, NBC, and even USA Today. This kind of exposure can genuinely put a brand on the map, and BrandPush makes it a reality.

    But their distribution network isn't just about quantity - it's about quality too. BrandPush has access to different media outlets, journalists, and industry-specific channels, ensuring your brand's message hits the right eyes and ears. So whether you're a tech startup looking to reach tech-savvy readers or a health and wellness brand hoping to connect with fitness enthusiasts, BrandPush can make it happen.

    But don't just take our word for it. There are plenty of success stories out there that showcase just how effective BrandPush's distribution network can be. One case study that stood out to us involved a small media brand (watch on Youtube).

    Before working with BrandPush, they were struggling to break into their market. However, after leveraging BrandPush's wide-reaching distribution network, their press release was picked up by several major news outlets, leading to a significant boost in web traffic and sales.

    It's clear that BrandPush's distribution network isn't just wide - it's effective, making a real difference for brands in various industries.

    Accepted Niches

    BrandPush accepts almost all niches except for:

    • Adult Content - Anything that contains adult content, products, or services.
    • Gambling - Anything related to gambling or betting money.
    • Government - Anything about government departments, staff, politics, or politicians.
    • Negative Press - Anything negative about a person, website, or company.
    • Third Parties - Anything that mentions third-party businesses or people.
    • Weapons - Anything that weapons or ammunition.

    Niches only accepted on the Alternative News Network:

    • Acquisitions / Mergers / Partnerships / Sponsorship
    • Aesthetic Surgeries
    • Alcohol
    • Alternative Medicine / Metaphysical
      (Psychics, Tarot Cards, Healing Crystals, etc)
    • Cryptocurrency
    • Dating
    • Financial Trading (Forex, Options, Binary, etc)
    • Scam & Fraud Recovery Services
    • Live Streaming & Broadcasting
    • Legal Cases
    • Legal Marijuana / CBD
    • Music with Explicit Content Labels
    • Pharmacy / Legal Drugs
    • Religion
    • Selling Social Media Interactions
    • Supplements
    • Swimwear / Underwear / Leggings

    BrandPush Pricing

    Let's talk dollars and cents now, shall we? When it comes to pricing, BrandPush has developed a range of plans and packages to suit various budgets and needs. They've taken a thoughtful approach to pricing, ensuring there's an option for everyone, from startups to more established brands.

    • Starter Plan: $195 (Requires writing your own press release)
    • Plus Plan: $229
    • Pro Plan: $259

    Now, the key question - is it worth it? From our perspective, the value for money is definitely there. When you consider the features and benefits provided - the guaranteed coverage on over 200 news sites, the user-friendly interface, the dedicated support, the targeting options - the pricing feels justified. You're not just paying for a service; you're investing in potential visibility and brand growth.

    The Benefits of Press Releases

    A press release is a brief, compelling news story written by a public relations professional and sent to targeted members of the media. The goal of a press release is to pique the interest of journalists, ultimately leading to the publication of an article that promotes the company's news, product, or service.

    There are many benefits to using press releases as part of your public relations strategy. Here are a few of the most important:

    • Increased visibility and recognition: A well-written press release can help to get your company's name and message in front of a large audience. This can lead to increased brand awareness, website traffic, and sales.
    • Enhanced credibility and reputation: When journalists write about your company, it helps to build credibility and trust with potential customers and partners. This can be especially important for startups and small businesses that are trying to establish themselves in a crowded marketplace.
    • Improved SEO: Online press releases can help to improve your website's search engine ranking. This is because search engines often index press releases and include them in their search results. This can help to drive more traffic to your website and increase your online visibility.

    If you're looking for a way to get your company's story out there and build brand awareness, press releases are a powerful tool that can help you achieve your goals.

    Here are a few tips for writing an effective press release:

    • Keep it short and to the point: Journalists are busy people, so they don't have time to read long, rambling press releases. Get to the point quickly and concisely.
    • Use strong headlines and subheads: The headline and subheads are the first things that journalists will see, so make sure they're attention-grabbing and informative.
    • Write in a clear and concise style: Avoid jargon and technical language that your target audience may not understand.
    • Use quotes from key people: Quotes from company executives, customers, or other experts can help to add credibility and interest to your press release.
    • Include a call to action: Tell readers what you want them to do, whether it's visiting your website, signing up for your newsletter, or making a purchase.

    By following these tips, you can write press releases that are effective at getting your company's story out there and achieving your public relations goals.

    Exploring BrandPush Alternatives and Competitors

    • EIN Presswire
    • eReleases
    • 24-7 Press Release
    • PR Newswire
    • BusinessWire
    • PRWeb

    Wrapping Up

    Alright, folks, we've come a long way on our BrandPush journey, so let's recap. From their guarantee of publishing on over 200 news sites to their impressive targeting options, user-friendly interface, and solid pricing, it's clear that BrandPush has a lot to offer.

    But it's not just about what they offer - it's about how they deliver it. With their user-centered approach, they ensure not only the reach of your press release but also the resonance, helping your brand make a real impact.

    So, what's our final verdict? After diving deep into what BrandPush is all about, we have to say we're seriously impressed.

    They go beyond the standard press release distribution service, offering a comprehensive, customizable, and - above all - effective platform. The buzz around BrandPush is definitely justified, and we're excited to see what they do next.

    Ultimately, if you're looking to give your brand that extra push, we wholeheartedly recommend giving BrandPush a try.

    Whether you're launching a new product, sharing company news, or trying to get your brand's story heard, BrandPush can help you get your message out there, ensuring it not only reaches but also resonates with your audience. Happy branding, everyone!


    How much does Brandpush cost?

    Answer: The cost of Brandpush services can vary depending on the specific package and features you choose. Typically, they offer different tiers or plans tailored to meet various marketing needs and budgets, ranging from basic coverage to more extensive and targeted media outreach. For accurate pricing, it's best to visit the Brandpush website or contact their sales team directly to get a quote based on your specific requirements.

    How does brand push work?

    Answer: Brandpush works by distributing your press release or promotional content to a wide network of media outlets, newsrooms, and platforms. The process involves creating compelling and newsworthy content about your product, service, or company, which Brandpush then pushes to its network. This exposure aims to increase brand awareness, generate media coverage, and enhance your online presence and credibility.

    Is SEO push or pull marketing?

    Answer: SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is considered pull marketing. Pull marketing is a strategy designed to draw customers to a brand through search engine rankings and content relevance. Unlike push marketing, which seeks to push products or services onto prospects, SEO attracts potential customers who are actively searching for related information, products, or services online, making them more likely to engage with your content or offerings.

    How do I get as seen on a website?

    Answer: To get the "As Seen On" badge for your website, you typically need to have your business or products featured or mentioned in reputable media outlets, television shows, or publications. Once you've secured such coverage, you can display the "As Seen On" badge on your website, linking to the coverage or using it as a trust signal for visitors. It's essential to obtain permission from the media outlets or use the badge according to their guidelines and terms.

    Is Google Ads push or pull?

    Answer: Google Ads can be considered both push and pull marketing, depending on the campaign type and targeting strategy. For example, display ads are more like push marketing because they appear to users who might not be actively searching for your product or service. On the other hand, search ads are more like pull marketing because they target users who are actively searching for related keywords, showing intent to engage with products or services similar to yours.

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